With over 30 years of distinguished history, our firm was founded in 1990 by Dr. Oscar Hernández Rosario and has been chaired since then by one of his sons, Dr. Lincoln Hernández Peguero, who has exhibited exceptional leadership within the firm. This legacy has transcended to the third generation, which plays a crucial role in the firm today.

Since its inception, we have been recognized for providing our clients with the highest quality legal service. Our focus is on meticulous preparation, deep specialization, and total dedication in managing our clients' legal affairs. This commitment has always been supported by personalized and transparent dealings, underpinning our position as leaders in the legal field.

Over the years, we have experienced steady growth and perfected our services, incorporating cutting-edge technology for organized and efficient management. HHA emerges in response to the changing demands of our clients, who for over three decades have entrusted their confidence in our firm specializing in legal consulting and advisory.

Our evolution has taken us beyond conventional boundaries, transforming us into a diversified professional services entity. We place special emphasis on corporate governance, social responsibility, and environmental commitment, positioning ourselves as the primary ally for those seeking comprehensive excellence in their ventures.


Strategic Consulting

We offer strategic legal consulting, providing efficient and multidisciplinary strategies aligned with the business policies of our clients.

Professional Integrity:

We are characterized by being a firm with the highest ethical and moral values from our inception. Our team fully relies on loyalty and transparency as indelible foundations in the performance of every professional relationship with our clients.

Trust and Communication

We maintain a high level of contact with our clients, prioritizing complete, fluid, and timely communication. Our firm focuses on the preventive and harmonious resolution of the legal needs of those who trust in us.


Our mission is to add value and growth to our allied clients, combining our experience of over 30 years, with high quality services, efficiency and loyalty.


To be the leading company in the Dominican Republic, offering comprehensive and professional services to our clients. In addition to providing personalized treatment combined with an effective strategy, intended to satisfy all of their needs.


Integrity, Professionalism,
Ethics and Excellence



At HHA we believe in working and adding value in a sustainable manner. For this reason, in partnership with the HHA-Foundation, we have adopted the policy ¨One Case = One Tree¨, which consists of planting a tree for each project. Thus, helping to create oxygen to counteract the environmental impact that our legal practice could generate, as well as strengthening the commitment to our customers and the future of new generations.

Establishing a standardized document management process was one of the most important procedural policies in our organization. A structure that would generate a decrease in the daily use of paper, email and cloud computing systems to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.


We believe in the importance of adding value, placing special emphasis on the quality and customization of our service offerings. Creating personalized strategies for each of our services, providing highly effective and successful legal solutions for more than 30 years.

We dedicate the time that is necessary to comply with our four fundamental principles:


Maintain complete, fluid and timely communication with the client, especially on the preventive and harmonious solution of legal needs.


Effectively managing our human capital, always providing a service of excellence and quality.


Propose efficient, multisectoral and multidisciplinary legal strategies, in accordance with the guidelines and business policies of our clients, optimizing the use of time.


Ensure that integrity, loyalty, excellence and transparency are always a part of our ethical and moral values, present in every performance and within the professional relationships established with our clients.


We have participated within important transactions and conflict resolutions, representing and advising individuals, investors and businesspeople.

Among the success stories that we can highlight, are the following:

Legal advice of an important tourism project, surrounding the process of restructuring a debt of more than US$350 million dollars, with creditors from the United States of America.

Relocation, eviction and mobilization of occupants within approximately 60 million square meters, located in the most important tourist spot in the Dominican Republic.

Legal advice and debt restructuring negotiation of more than US$15 million dollars, with a credit agency of the government of the United States of America.

Legal representation in the recovery of over US$30 million dollars, deposited in corporate bonds and commercial paper.

Successful commercial arbitration and legal representation of more than US$18 million dollars.

Legal advice and negotiation on behalf of a company, pertaining to the process of recovery assets ascending US$14 million dollars.

Representing, negotiating and supporting a corporation in the relocation of more than 400 families, throughout a property of over 60 thousand square meters.

Legal advice and negotiation for the recovery of approximately US$7 million dollars in favor of a company’s compensation.

Legal representation, negotiation and recovery of assets of more than US$14 million dollars.